Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Belfast Trip February 2025.

 Belfast Trip February 2025.

Three full days in a city as vibrant and interesting as Belfast is certainly not long enough. Therefore a return trip is certainly required to see what we just did not have time to explore this time.

When your not familiar with a city, the best why to see it, in my opinion, is to book up for a for guided tour. The first tour was the free Yellow Umbrella Walking Tour which explores some of the history of the city centre and its people. Led by every capable gentleman, but whose politics were never in doubt.

The second of our walking tours was, for me, the most interesting and intriguing of the two. Led by a local guide with a personal story to tell. During The Troubles bombings, shootings and murder became part of the every day life of those who  lived in West Belfast. This tour tells the stories of those who died and those who survived, and offered a unique and personal perspective you would not find in the history books!

Our third and final full day was a bus journey to the Stormont Parliament Buildings where a free tour was offered, which of course we were happy to take advantage of. Part of the tour was in the assembly room were the parliament of Northern Ireland normally sit on a Monday and Tuesday. The majority party is for the first time Sinn Fein under the leadership of the First Minister Michelle O’Neil.

We took a lot of photographs which can be viewed when you open the link provided:

City Centre Tour.

Belfast City Hall by Night,

Opera House. Notice different coloured bricks due to bomb blast.

Europa Hotel, The most bombed building in Belfast.

The Crown Bar where you can wipe your feet on a Royal Crown. 

The Titanic Memorial. 

One of the wonderful "Entrys"

The Belfast Big Fish.

Albert Clock Tower.


Custom House Steps.

Belfast Cathedral
Church of St Anne.

Recognised anywhere in the world.

Falls Road Political Tour.

Welcome to West Belfast (Divis Tower in the background) 

Murdered by the RUC.

1st Gun Battle in the Falls Road. (Bullet holes can still be seen)

International Wall Murals.

The best known Muriel - Bobby Sands MP.

Garden of Remembrance. 

West Belfast Sinn Fein HQ.

Clonard Remembers August 1969.

Rows of Houses Burned and Catholics Killed

Peace Wall close to Catholics back gardens.

3 miles long 25ft High.

A Gate Each End which is Locked at 7pm and Opened at 7am Every Day. 

Great Republican Museum.

The James Connolly Visitors Centre.

The House where James Connolly and his Family Lived.

Stormont Estate.

Northern Ireland Assembly.

Northern Irelands Assembly Hall.

Northern Irelands First Minister
Michelle O'Neil.

The Legendary Politician
Martin McGuinness. 

The signing of The Good Friday/Belfast Agreement 
on the 10th April 1998.

The Assembly where the business of Northern Ireland
takes place.


Frederick Douglass
Social Reformer, Abolitionist, Orator, Writer and Stateesman.

The very first Primark.

Rory Gallagher.